ABPA Announces high of 6% in the volume of exports of chicken meat in February

Surveys of the Brazilian Association of Animal protein (ABPA) show that total exports of chicken meat (including all products, including whole chickens, cut, salty, processed and embedded) have reached the 1000 320.3 tons in February this year, 6% higher than the volume registered in the same period last year.

In the foreign exchange balance of the month, there was a retraction of 11.5%, with $ 458.6 million held in February. In the actual balance, has registered growth of 24.9%, with 1.82 billion R$.

“The scenario follows heated for exporters and now we have other factors influencing this result compared to last year, as new plants to Mexico and China and the recent start of shipments to Mongolia. Sales to the countries of Asia and the Middle East, in General, showed good performance “, analyzes Ricardo Santin, Vice President of birds of ABPA.

Adding the entire shipment of 2016 (January and February), Brazilian exports of chicken kept high of 9.9%, with 1000 637.1 tons exported. With this, the sector foreign exchange revenue of $ 909.7 million ( -10.2%), and in R$ ‘s Royal 3.6 billion (+32.2%).

“The positive balance YTD has helped lessen the strong effects of high production costs. This ‘ breathe ‘ must contribute to the sector cope with the current moment strength by adjusting the internal offer of products and collaborating for the fluidity of the low stocks with prices elevations. This high already is notable with the slight growth of 0.56% in the average price of exports in February, compared with January, “says the Chief Executive of ABPA, Francisco Turra.

Source: ABPA

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