The Brazilian harvest should close 2017 with a production of 209.4 million tonnes of cereals, legumes and oilseeds, 13.9% above the crop expected this year. According to the first forecast for the harvest 2017, released today (10) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the largest increase is expected in the Northeast (51%).
The other regions should have the following 2016 growth rates for 2017: North (7%), Southeast (10.3%), South (5.5%) and Midwest (18.7%).
The IBGE also released today (10) plus an estimate for the crop this year. According to the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production October, 2016 should close with a production of 183.8 million tons, down 12.3% compared to 2015.
The three main Brazilian crops should have drop this year compared to last year: soybeans (-1.5%), rice (-15.5%) and corn (-25.5%).
The area harvested this year should also be 0.7% lower than last year. Among the three major crops, only soybeans close the year with an increase in harvested area (2.8%). The corn will drop by 1.3% in the harvested area and rice, 10.2%.
Source: Agência Brazil