International sea freight shipping: how to deal with high prices?

International sea freight shipping: how to deal with high prices?

If you want to import or export from Brazil, you need to be clear on how this process works, but more than that, it is important to be aware of the increase in international maritime freight prices, in the current market panorama.

In this regard, we know that bureaucratic issues usually generate delays and difficulties in the operation, as well as specific situations, which are able to occur internationally, contributing to more costly demands, which influence the company’s business.

However, if you are determined about the advantages you can obtain when negotiating with Brazil, it is feasible to look for alternatives to act in the face of the less favorable scenario. 

Today, it is worth mentioning that the country exports several industrialized and semi-manufactured products , such as shoes, tropical fruits and textile products.

In order to elucidate your trajectory, in this content, you will have access to information and possible paths that can be crossed to better deal with this point that has affected both logistics operations. 

As a result, we hope that you will feel more able to carry out your processes assertively, contributing to growth in the sector. Continue reading and check it out!

International maritime freight and high prices: how to deal with it?

The news that trade as a whole has been facing several challenges with regard to meeting deadlines is not new, due to the inequality in relation to the supply and demand of containers.

This inauspicious scenario is largely connected to the crisis brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, which brought about several changes worldwide, in the most varied sectors. 

One of the results of the situation was the increase in international maritime freight, which was unable to remain accessible and available for shipments.

Furthermore, a problem faced concerns the scarce shipbuilding capacity, which needs to grow and modernize as soon as possible, aimed at an expansion of the fleet for the coming years. If this occurs, there are great chances of stabilization in the financial field of freight, improving import and export relations.

In practice, when the value of freight rises substantially, in order to impact the final price of the product, there is a decline in forces and a decrease in competitiveness, since many exporters are no longer able to carry out their vessels of products. 

As for the people who choose to import, it is also common for them to alternate their route, because the value of the goods to the desired destination becomes very high, unbalancing trade.

Check out some alternatives for dealing with high prices

NOR (Non-Operating Reefer) Operations 

One way to acquire advantages with international maritime freight in operations with Brazil can be through NOR (Non-Operating Reefer) operations.

Put simply, this is a Refrigerated Container that is turned off, that is, it does not work for all types of cargo, for example, if the idea is to house meat or fruit.

However, if the objective is to ship manufactured products and dry cargo, in general, that do not require specific temperature control, this is a good way to save. 

Depending on the time of year, shipping for a container can be up to 40% cheaper than the Dry option.

Planning and flexibility regarding the date of shipment and division of batches

A crucial point in any successful organization is in planning, which needs to be efficient, in order to have flexible boarding dates and division of batches. After all, it is a fact that opting for short terms can result in greater margins for errors and higher prices, which you probably don’t want, right?

Therefore, it is essential to think about all stages of logistics, including the storage process, which can be done in its own or outsourced structure. 

In the receiving part, the focus should be on checking quantity, inspecting items and identifying them. As such, it is also important to check details, such as batch, manufacture and serial number. 

The planning must be thorough, containing what will be done after the goods are checked and identified, how the items and information about the shipping stage will be separated. With all the records made, your operations will certainly be more agile and less problems will have to be solved.


As we have seen in this content, the operation of international maritime freight has undergone changes in the production chain, which contributes to the current scenario, with the increase in prices. As a result, there are fewer import and export processes, harming those who work with both.

Due to this, it is essential to go after mechanisms to deal with such contrasts, as you can observe throughout the reading.

Therefore, DC Logistics Brasil operates with high performance logistics delivery, with effective operations management. 

We have a network of agents that allows us to offer a global service, with proactive follow-up, flexibility and online cargo tracking tools. All made to provide the best customer experience.

We have extensive experience in maritime mode and serve several vertical markets. You can rest assured, as we are judicious in the analysis of cargo and route, in addition to having a fully prepared structure, guiding each essential phase.

To learn how we can contribute to your import or export process, click below and request a freight quotation with us with no commitment.

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