Following the trend pointed out by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the tobacco sector showed a slight decline in shipments compared to the previous year. Still, the product accounted for 1.15% of total Brazilian exports, which in 2016 reached US $ 185.235 billion. For tobacco, throughout Brazil were 483,000 tons and US $ 2.12 billion exported. The results keep the country as the world’s largest tobacco exporter since 1993.
Mas é na Região Sul que se concentra mais de 99% destes embarques. Em comparação com 2015, a Região Sul exportou -2,78% em dólares e -6,45% em volume, com um acumulado no ano de US$ 2,09 bilhões e 481 mil toneladas. Segundo o presidente do Sindicato Interestadual da Indústria do Tabaco (SindiTabaco), Iro Schünke, o resultado era esperado. “O montante embarcado está dentro do previsto pela PWC, que apontou tendência de queda de -6% a -10% em 2016, tanto em dólares quanto em volume”, avalia.
According to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC), the decline in tobacco exports was less compared to other products such as grain corn (-26.3%), coffee in grain (-13.2 %), soybean meal (-11.1%), soybeans (-8.2%) and beef (-7.2%).
A União Europeia continua sendo o principal mercado importador, responsável por 41% do volume embarcado em 2016, seguida pelo Extremo Oriente (28%), América do Norte (12%), Leste Europeu (7%), e África/Oriente Médio e América Latina (ambos com 6%). Já entre os principais países importadores, Bélgica, China e Estados Unidos lideram o ranking, com incremento de 15%, 6% e 10%, respectivamente, no montante embarcado. Ao todo, 90 países compraram o produto brasileiro no último ano.
The Rio Grande do Sul confirmed its position as the largest producer and exporter of tobacco in Brazil. In 2016 it was 383,000 tons shipped, generating revenues of US $ 1.65 billion. In Rio Grande do Sul state, tobacco accounted for 10% of total exports of the year, being the 2nd most exported product, second only to soybeans. In Santa Catarina, the product accounted for 5.7% of shipments, with the 4th item of the trade agenda. Considering all the South Region, tobacco was responsible for 5.3% of all shipments made.
Tobacco exports – Brazil
Tobacco exports – South Region
Tobacco export 2016 – Southern Region (by state)
Major tobacco importing countries
Main importing markets
Source: MDIC / SECEX (2016)