Sustainable Development: understand how it works at DC Logistics Brasil!

Desenvolvimento Sustentável: entenda como ele é trabalhado na DC Logistics Brasil!

Do you know how we put into practice our commitment to Sustainable Development? Through our Environmental Social Responsibility Program.

In this content, we want to show the actions we take to improve the environment and generate results that benefit communities in various locations.

We hope to inspire you to also take initiatives that contribute to a better future, inside and outside the business.

After all, Sustainable Development is a choice of the present that contributes to the evolution of the world and leads to a better quality of life for all. Check out how it works in our daily lives!

Why do we work for Sustainable Development at DC Logistics Brasil?

Our commitment to the environment and the community continues to bear good fruit. We are very proud to introduce partners like you to the various Sustainable Development projects in which we are inserted.

This is because the planet is already taking many risks due to the high emission of pollutants in all sectors.

View these two pieces of data collected by a recent study of the World Climate Research Program, shared by the G1 Portal:

  • To begin with, the current CO₂ emission rate could double gaseous pollutants in the air by 2080;
  • This may trigger an average heating of 2.6°C to 4.1°C, which would result in more than 1°C above the average predicted by the scientific community in 2015.

So, to try to reverse this situation and mitigate the environmental impact generated by all our activities, we created the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program. With it, we support and assist actions to improve the quality of life of numerous regions in Brazil.

In this way, we put into practice attitudes that make the difference in several locations. In addition, we also apply the commitment to Sustainable Development in internal actions, that is, in our own daily lives.

Thus, we encourage our employees, customers and suppliers to value the environment in the logistics chain. Now, you will learn about some of the various activities we carry out and support.

Sustainable Development: understand how it works at DC Logistics Brasil!
Sustainable development is a choice in the present that contributes to the evolution of the world


Plantio DC: more than 38,000 trees planted!

Created in 2010, Plantio DC is an ecological action that has already resulted in 38,621 trees being planted. In 2020, the project broke the record of 5,041 new trees, the largest planting in the entire period! Watch the video and learn more about the latest project results!

And do you know how this project takes place? Each year, for one month, a tree is planted for each cargo closed with DC Logistics Brasil in this period.

Reasons for you to give more importance to trees:

  • They are the ones that provide the oxygen necessary for our existence;
  • And retain the CO₂ released into the atmosphere;
  • Also help reduce noise pollution, winds and maintain regular rainfall;
  • Provide food, seeds, fiber, wood, latex, resins and pigments, all widely used in everyday life;
  • Reduce energy consumption, maintaining air humidity;
  • Promote shaded environments, more appropriate for leisure and also help in temperature balance;
  • Contribute to soil health, avoiding erosion with its roots.

Learn more 10 sustainable actions supported by the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program:

Jardim Utilitário

We care for vegetable gardens with edible plants popular in Brazilian cuisine and available for public use in common spaces, watered using water reused from rain.

Lacre Amigo

We support this project that promotes the collection of aluminum seals that are exchanged for wheelchairs for people or organizations in need.

Eu Amo PET

Through the recycling of plastic bottle caps, gathered by our employees, resources are generated used for rescue, food and other care of animals removed from the streets.


We collaborate with this initiative in the favela of Babilônia, Rio de Janeiro, which promotes sustainable development through solar energy.

Casa de Acolhimento Madre Teresa

In 2021, we became supporters of the self-sustaining management of this hospital, which conducts volunteering and social responsibility projects.

Operação Arco-íris

Since 2019 we have helped the initiative bring a new reality to children and adolescents through circus clowns at hospitals.

Associação Zagaia Amazônia

We help the organization that develops projects in the area of creative economy in the North of the country, through the creation of crafts, gastronomy and tourism, socially integrating indigenous women in income generation.

Casa de Arte de Educar

This organization in Morro da Mangueira and Morro dos Macacos, in Rio de Janeiro, receives our support to improve the local educational system with actions that integrate the community and teachers.

Associação Pássaros de Luz

Since 2014, we have supported this non-profit organization, which values Conductive Education with personalized care for people with  brain injuries.

Associação de Amigos dos Autistas de Blumenau e Microrregião (AMA)

This NGO that we support provides specialized and multidisciplinary treatment, both school and social, for autistic people and their families.

And our list goes on! To find out about all the entities and projects benefited by DC Logistics Brasil, visit our website here.


We cannot fail to celebrate the acknowledgments we have received for our socio-environmental responsibility actions.

One of them is the Ecovadis Bronze Seal. This collaborative platform monitors the sustainable development performance of its suppliers in 150 sectors and 110 countries and has certified us by the practices adopted.

We are also signatories of the National SDG Movement (Sustainable Development Goals) of Santa Catarina, which is guided by UN (United Nations) guidelines. As such, we add more credibility to the actions that contribute to the direction of a better society, in the environmental and social sense.

In addition, we are also associated with Absolar (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association). And, with that, we contribute to the promotion of renewable energy in Brazil and abroad. We are recognized for ensuring safety, professionalism and quality in all our logistics processes.

Environmental awareness at home!

Sustainable Development: understand how it works at DC Logistics Brasil!
DC Logistics Brasil headquarters in Itajaí, Santa Catarina, is proof of how we prioritize sustainable development.















If you believe that our actions in favor of Sustainable Development are limited outside DC Logistics Brasil, you’re mistaken. This is because “indoors” we also adopt several practices that make the difference in the world.

First, the project of our headquarters in Itajaí/SC was built to reduce numerous environmental impacts, as listed by the press office of Arbos Arquitetura, which authored the construction.

The work was based on climatic studies, which considered from the irradiation of the sun on the facade of the building to other alternatives to promote better energy efficiency, save water and maintain thermoacoustic comfort, for example.

There were more than two years of architectural work in the development of this building, which still had an estimated cost of 2% to 6% higher than an unsustainable construction. However, the savings generated with the operation and maintenance ensures the return on the investment of the work.

These are some of the solutions present in the construction of our headquarters:

  • Green Roofs that contribute to reducing heat islands and provide thermal comfort;
  • Use of materials for the entire surface of the 100% draining land such as lawns, eco-paving, and paving stone sidewalks;
  • Structure for rainwater collection for irrigation of gardens;
  • 75% of the ventilated facade area in the expansion of the building, reducing the heat gain by the envelope and saving on the consumption of air conditioning internally;
  • 45% glazed area on the total facade of the building allowing natural lighting;
  • 85% of work areas allow the use of natural lighting;
  • Removable lining of acoustic and thermal boards in the work areas, which facilitates maintenance and also allows layout flexibility and lower energy consumption of the air-conditioning distribution system;
  • High efficiency lighting, low power lamps, use of lights with LED lamps for external lighting;
  • High efficiency central air conditioning system, composed of two electric chillers and one natural gas absorption chiller. The latter reduces energy expenditure at peak charging hours;
  • Natural ventilation system type chimney effect in circulation areas, which does not require the use of forced ventilation of air conditioning;
  • Areas for central storage of recyclable and non-recyclable waste.

We hope that all the initiatives presented here will contribute to creating insights that can also make a difference in your daily life.

This is because, thus, we can bring even more quality of life to the future of our world. So join us on this journey for Sustainable Development in the logistics chain.



Portal G1 –

Plantio DC –

Oficina das Palavras –

DC Logistics Brasil –

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