Compliance EN

DC Logistics Brasil

Message from the President

Since the foundation of DC in 1994, we established values and rules in order to have better solidness in the company, and to also be known in the market as a reliable company.

Our success was fruit of good market practices and upon establishing the Compliance Program, we wanted the assure that our principles, concepts, and guidelines regarding the employees, clients, partner agents, suppliers, and other public entities are exposed in a transparent form, and which continue to serve us as a guide in the development of our businesses.

We are aware that the continuity of our company requires dedication and perseverance, having Excellence (always do more and better), Growth (aggregate value with solidness and competence), and Ethics (apply our values) as our main bases.

We count on the engagement of all of our employees in the application of this Compliance Program, so we may continue to deserve trust from our clients, partner agents, and suppliers.

Ivo Antonio Mafra

Code of Ethics and Conduct

The DC Code of Conduct presents guidelines to guide the behavior of the audiences whom DC relates to, in order to minimize the ethical conflicts, actions or omissions which may contradict the objectives of the company.

Complaint Channel

DC Compliance

The conception of the Compliance Program has the objective to promote and reinforce the commitments of DC Logistics Brasil Ltda with the Mission, Vision, Values established as foundations of the developed corporate activity.

Thus, the program was implemented in order to protect their Stakeholders against fraud, diversions of conducts and any type of corruption, whether public or private. On June 2nd, 2016, it was signed by the President Mr. Ivo Antonio Mafra the Minute of the Constitution of the Compliance Committee which names as Compliance Officers the following jobs at DC: Procurement & Pricing Manager, National Sales Manager, Operations Manager, Human Resources Coordinator, Administrative Manager (Quality Control), Managing Director and Controller.

The Compliance Officers are the responsible ones for the management of the Program, performing assemblies and investigating all and any reported complaint.

If you had any issue or wishes to report some irregularity, DC created a direct and anonymous channel of communication of violations for the Ethical principles and the Guidelines of the Code of Conduct, called Complain Channel DC Compliance. You can send an email directly to: or anonymously fill out the fields below:

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